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Autism can be greatly affected by the state of the gut because a healthy gut provides the right nutrition to the brain for all its functions, an unhealthy gut will be making things more difficult for the brain to function well. (See the Case Study below)
My approach to working with Autism is to enhance, as much as possible, what is called the 'gut - brain axis', once this is optimised we can begin to unlock other potential. The gut–brain axis is the two-way biochemical signalling that takes place between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. If you have ever fed a child with a huge dose of sugar and seen their behaviour go off the charts, you already understand the gut - brain axis. I tailor an individual treatment plan for each one, healing and soothing the gut can lead to some remarkable new possibilities. Online Chat appointments available - you don't need to visit me.
Case Study

There are a number of specialty schools around Melbourne and they all provide excellent help for children and teens. They often have associated services like Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy and Neurology support to give them the best learning environment. Naturopathy can provide a new approach that may give new possibilities to these children and teens:

This case study shows one individuals response to treatment and is not intended to guarantee any results for other individuals. All treatment plans are individually crafted.
Female (6 y.o.) diagnosed with Autism. Mostly non verbal, signs of frustration, tantrums, sometimes violent toward others, disturbed sleep, waking up every night to play multiple times.
Requested to help to improve sleep patterns. Targeted sleep and gut health with herbs, probiotics and diet.
Week 2.
Sleep patterns improving, waking up happy and smiling. Increased herbal dosage in line with treatment protocol and introduced further dietary control.
Week 4.
Sleeping pattern now usually 8 - 10 hours, less tantrums and generally happier. Started using words more frequently, demonstrating a greater degree of focus and awareness of her environment. Continued treatment protocol unchanged.
Week 8.
Progressing well, mother can't remember the last time she woke in the night. Continuing to work on gut health. She self-initiated a 'conversation' with a stranger. At home, she used a language training device to communicate what she wanted - showed that she could already read; which was previously unclear.
Comments: Sleep patterns are related to the chemical activity in the brain and by improving sleep and gut health we allow the brain to re-energise cells, clear waste from the brain, and support learning and memory hence the associated changes in behaviour seen in this case study. Other behaviour patterns such as Compulsive/Repetitive issues: typically referred to as OCD, Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and general delayed learning can all be responsive to improving the gut - brain axis health.